Welcome to this humble website!
This is the second version of haryadi.net. This time most of the content will be written in English since I need to practice my English and I hope it will be more beneficial if I can reach more people.
Besides writings about my experience, I will also share books’ recommendation, movies’ review, etc.
Feel free to contact me and if you need to quote my articles, please kindly mention the link to my website.
Thank you!
My Work Experience
I consider myself to be lucky due to my past experiences:
- I have learnt from one of top scientific minds in Indonesia, Prof I Gede Wenten (I must say that I consider him as world class expert in membrane technology), during my days as researcher assistant, project engineer, and eventually CEO of GDP Filter.
- I have experience the difficulties, the so-called UP & DOWN (seriously up high and down below!) in various engineering project of GDP Filter.
But even luckier when I got chance to be the part of L’Ayurveda
- I was trained in Ayur Hypnotherapy and Ayur Crystal Healing from their creator, Ma Archana, who is a SELF-HEALED from the “incurable” Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- L’Ayurveda, established in 2004, is a highly experienced in dealing with human mind, thus more than able to handle 1-on-1 session to group session (workshop, seminar, class)
- Since mid 2013, in just 5 years, L’Ayurveda has worked with more than 7,500 clients in corporate programs only!
And now I am part of HR & GA Dept at Wings Group Indonesia since December 2020. I cannot say I’m still adapting but I enjoy this new work environment and new role.

Senior Sub-Section – HRGA Dept
(2020 – now)
WINGS Group is one of the largest FMCG company in Indonesia

Manager of External Training Programs
(2013 – 2020)
L’Ayurveda is a Centre for Inner Beauty and Holistic Care
GDP Filter
CEO (2010 – 2013)
GDP Filter is the first and only membrane manufacturer in Indonesia founded by Prof. I Gede Wenten
I am an Enthusiast of these things

Yoga - Meditation
I am blessed to know meditation and yoga since 2004. It really helps me to stay fit.

Ananda's Divya Aushadh
A fresh approach from Guruji Anand Krishna to an ancient healing technique popularly known as Reiki.

Ayur Hypnotherapy
Unique hypnotherapy that emphasizes on self-empowerment and incorporates eastern perennial psychology. This approach was developed by Mā Archanā.

Ayur Crystal Healing
Using crystal for healing purposes, this technique was developed by Mā Archanā.

Tarot is very helpful when we need to evaluate our own condition and gauge various options

Label Reading
Thanks to various reference from Google and books (plus I was trained as chemical engineer), I always read label before make a purchase.
Feel free to discuss with me.